Last weekend I went to the Sister of St. Joseph of St. Augustine arts and crafts sale, which is all hand made crafted items.  They had cards, knitted pieces, t-shirts, pottery, jewelry, totes, etc.  So I wanted to share what I got. 

The Christmas Tree is awesome and made from Christmas cards.  I really like the tree and now I want to learn to make one.  The bear is out of pine cones, which I think is a neat idea.  And of course a tote, I love totes.

Next is a scarf and a necklace.  The scarf is super soft.  My Aunt Carolyn is part of the Sisters and she was there.  I showed her what I bought and she said she was making me the blue scarf for Christmas.  Uh oh.  At least she knows what I like.  She also made the necklace I bought, which I didn’t know until after I bought it.  Looks like we have the same taste also.  She is a very crafty person, which I’m sure is where I got some of my craftiness from, but I don’t know how to knit or sew. 

That’s it.  They hold the arts and crafts sale twice a year I believe.  I will post their next one here when I know about it.

Have a great weekend!

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